Marquette 2049 Learning Circles Series

Supporting Scenario Thinking in Times of Climate Change

Please check back periodically, learning materials will be posted in advance of each learning circle.

Please join the Marquette Climate Adaptation Task Force (CATF) for a community-wide learning circle  series. The idea of a learning circle is that we share key resources (articles, podcasts, policy  documents, etc.) and participants arrive ready to discuss a variety of scenarios related to that issue.

The community conversation is the most important outcome and helps us build capacity to think about critical issues for the next 25 years. Thus, under the conditions of a changing climate, with equity and justice in mind, how might we address the following:

Healthcare, Housing, Transportation & Public Services
September 11
Economic Development & Diversification
October 9

Learning Materials Coming Soon!

Energy & Power
November 6

Learning Materials Coming Soon!

Water & Land Use
December 4

Learning Materials Coming Soon!


RSVP Online

All sessions will be 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in Peninsula I at NMU’s Northern Center.

Click the button or scan our QR code to RSVP online and resource materials will be emailed to you.

QR Code to RSVP Link